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When you stay at Baobab Ridge you're always impressed by the warmth of its wonderful team of people who take care of guests as though they were family. Indeed, it's this family feel that captured the heart of Lodge Anchor Adelaide Mbowane when she arrived in 2017 to fill in for her aunt who had fallen ill. Working at a safari lodge was not exactly what Adelaide had planned for her career, but she's exceptionally glad fate stepped in the way it did and gave her the opportunity to prove what she is capable of.
"I was born and raised in Acornhoek," says the bubbly mother of two boys, aged nine and two. "Growing up it was just me and my younger sister and when I left school I wanted to study engineering. Before leaving for Pretoria to start my studies I took the time to do a computer course, getting a diploma in the process," explains Adelaide.
"I went to Pretoria in 2015 with high hopes but sadly economics kicked in and as my family were experiencing financial difficulties I didn't finish the course and returned home a year later," says Adelaide.
She spent the whole of 2016 at home without work until her aunt, who worked at Baobab Ridge, paid for her to attend a beauty school where she learned to give massages, facials and a range of other beauty therapies which enabled her to get experience working at a safari lodge in the Klaserie.
In 2017 her aunt fell ill and had to be hospitalised, and Baobab Ridge got in touch with her to see if she could fill in for her while she recovered.
"And so I came to Baobab Ridge to help out but tragically, my aunt passed away, and I was offered her job full-time," she says quietly. "It gave me the opportunity to take care of the people my aunt had been taking care of," she explains. "She had been taking care of me, my sister, my mum, my children and all of us. So I started here in 2017 and when I first got here I was in the scullery, washing dishes and helping in the kitchen."
Adelaide's friendly, outgoing personality and winning ways with guests got her noticed and was asked if she'd like to train as a waitress. "I jumped at the chance and was eventually promoted to a full-time waitress after I had completed my training," she says with a wide smile. Waitressing led to helping with front of house and more admin-based duties, as well as working in the office and eventually, in April 2024, she was promoted to the position of Lodge Anchor - something she's exceptionally proud of.
"It's like a dream come true. I always saw myself as a manager and now I have achieved my goal of being part of the management team and looking forward to working towards becoming a general manager eventually," says Adelaide.
"It's a wonderful opportunity to move up in the team and it just shows what hard work and commitment can achieve. I absolutely love interacting with our guests and all aspects of hospitality, making them feel special and at home," she adds.
"I feel like I belong here and would never return to the city to work," she says. "I love it here so much. It's peaceful and so beautiful and it's become like home to me, and my colleagues are part of my extended family," she laughs. "I love each and every day here, and get out of bed excited every day at the prospect of work. Being part of such an enthusiastic management team is also wonderful and creates a wonderful, positive vibe which guests just love."
Her mum takes care of her kids while she works. "It was hard at first, but I quickly got used to it and while it's always sad not seeing them in person, we video chat every day and so I stay in touch with them. My mum is very proud of me and laughs at me when I go home and say 'I am the manager now, so I don't do the chores', telling me I am not the manager at home yet," she giggles.
It's a far cry from her humble beginnings but she's still very grounded and proud of where she has come from. "It's great to be a role model for others now and show them what can be achieved and inspire them to work hard and be positive. There is nothing that can't be achieved if you work hard to make your dreams come true," she nods wisely.
Adelaide loves tourism and the opportunities it's given her. "It's so important for me and for my community. Tourism and conservation are so valuable to us and I do everything I can to help my community understand this," she explains.
"I didn't understand when I started here, but now I realise just how important it is for us to protect areas like this. When I go home I make sure to share my experiences with my friends and my community, and make them understand the benefit that tourism can bring to us. Baobab Ridge owner Nini also allow our kids to come here so they can understand the beauty of nature, so that's a wonderful bonus too," she adds.
"I'm very happy here and I love the challenge of helping to grow Baobab Ridge and my career and look forward to what the future brings," she says.